Monday, December 27, 2010

openinfocard drag and drop

I used the holidays to reintegrate drag and drop into openinfocard.

After installing the openinfocard Firefox addon (xmldap- and surfing to a relyingparty e.g. you can now open the Firefox sidebar (using Ctrl-Alt-Shift I).
The sidebar shows the list of Information Card you have.
XMLDAP Relyingparty

You can now drag one card to the form that contains the object element. The object element is not visible but the drag and drop handler is registered to the object element and the enclosing form. In the case of the xmldap relyingparty you can drag a card to the image and the drop event will bubble up to the form.

Dragging an Information Card to the main pageDragging an Information Card to the main page

Selector open with dragged card selectedSelector open with dragged card selected

xmldap relyingparty with claims from dragged cardxmldap relyingparty with claims from dragged card

Should I auto-submit the card because the dragging expresses the user consent already?