Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Carnards Die Hard

A while ago two students, Xuan Chen and Christoph Löhr, from Ruhr University Bochum claimed to have "broken" CardSpace. There were some blog reactions to this claim. The authoritative one of course is from Kim.

Today I browsed through a magazine lying on the desk of a colleague of mine. This magazine with the promising title "IT-Security" repeats the false claim and reports that the students proved that CardSpace has severe security flaws... Well, when you switch off all security mechanism then, yes, there are security flaws (The security researcher in front of the computer).

What can I say?! The existence of this magazine was new to me, but sure they have some readers. The IT-Verlag charges 20€ for this pile of rubbish (Sorry) not very well researched article (page 42).

Interestingly Microsoft is having an ad (the whole second page) in this gazette…

There is still a lot of work for the Information Card Foundation to do.
One of my tasks (privately and not as a member of the ICF) today is to question my colleague about the value of his magazine subscrition...

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